The Gateway Foundation has released the design of the world's first commercial space hotel. The hotel will be able to accommodate 400 people at a time. The hotel will also have a basketball court and trampoline of low gravity. The author of the Von Braun Rotating Space Station has been under suspension for a long time, but his design has now been released. Construction of this hotel will be completed in 2025 but it has now been ranked as the world's first space hotel. In an interview, the hotel's designer, Tim Altor, claimed it would be more luxurious than any cruise ship. "There will be a lot of things that you see in the cruise ship," he said. There will be restaurants, bars, musical concert movie screenings and educational seminars. It will have all the facilities that are on the ground. It will also have water for cooking and baths and kitchens for cooking. Drinking water will go from the ground here while water will be recycled for bath and to...